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The M&A Markets bring together the business focus and investment pursuit of overseas strategic and financial acquirers with Romanian-based entrepreneurs and companies looking forward to expanding their business, market share, product portfolio, or get access to growth and expansion capital by means of various types of M&A transactions.


Our Investment Banking platform puts forward to local M&A clients a mix of advisory services blended with capital raising and transaction-related financing across the entire capital structure, along with access to coverage of cross-border networking of strategic and financial acquirers interested in pursuing Romanian M&A opportunities.


We represent local and overseas clients in both sell-side and buy-side M&A engagements, providing specific services related to:

  • M&A transactions advisory, capital placing, capital raising, and financing (debt, equity, and hybrid)

  • Dedicated buyer- and seller-specific services

  • Sales and divestitures transactions

  • Acquisitions, joint ventures, and alliances transactions

  • Mergers and takeovers transactions

  • Special/complex situations, stressed, distressed, turnaround and insolvency M&A transactions

  • Public-private partnerships transactions


A brief of featured M&A buy-side and sell-side exclusive mandates is available throughout the sections of the M&A Marketplace.


To discuss your particular business facts and prospect the opportunity of entering an exclusive M&A engagement with our company, feel free to get in touch with us by filling out the registration form.

Registration sent!


The First Romanian-focused Cross-Border Investment Banking Marketplace

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